June is National Safety Month! Healing Touch Charlotte is participating in safety awareness by sharing tips on ergonomics throughout June.
This week’s tip is: CARRY IT RIGHT
Do you sit on your wallet all day? This can not only put you off balance by lifting one side by a few inches, it also presses on and can pinch the sciatic nerve. Over time, this can cause sciatica, which can include back pain, a “pins and needles” sensation along your leg, or numbness in your foot. The solution can be to keep all your pocket items in a drawer while working. While driving, try placing your wallet in your front pocket.
Do you carry your cell phone in your pocket? You can experience some of the same issues as with a wallet.
Do you carry a purse or medium-sized work bag? Avoid carrying the strap on one shoulder. It’s less damaging to wear the strap across your chest.
The same advice for carrying computer bags: wear the strap across your chest. Other possible solutions could be to use the backpack style of computer bag or even a wheeled model.