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Our therapeutic massage techniques are well suited for eliminating everyday aches and pains, as well as for longer term chronic issues. Book online or give us a call at (704) 996-1460.

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We are closed until May 1, 2020 – Hi everyone. We hope you are all staying safe and protected during this time of crisis. Gov. Roy Cooper just gave a news conference in which he said that he is signing an executive order for all Massage Therapists in the state of North Carolina to close [...]

Do you have headaches, jaw pain, clicking of the jaw when you open your mouth wide and neck pain? One possibility could be TMJ. Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome – or TMJ – is a dysfunction caused by the misalignment of the jaw. This syndrome can cause pain and clicking when the jaw is opened. It can [...]

In previous posts, we’ve covered ways that massage therapy can help with specific, individual health issues. But as you are more than just the sum of our individual parts, so are the effects of massage on your health overall. Per research with the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), massage can help with each of these [...]

Do you use CBD oil? We are hearing this question at Healing Touch Charlotte with more frequency. The short answer is no. The long and detailed answer is below: The question of CBD (cannabidol) oil use has arisen since the passage of the Federal Farm Bill, which grants states the power to legalize hemp products. [...]

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