
Links to Love

I come across so much fun stuff online and wanted to share some great links. – This is an excellent infographic about the wonders and benefits of coconut oil. Infographic: Yoga for Starters – Namaste – This infographic provides information on different types of yoga as well as some basic poses and their benefits. University of [...]

Vitamins Cheat Sheet: What They Do and Good Food Sources [Infographic] – I am terrible at taking vitamins and prefer getting nutrients through whole foods. This resource shares good based sources for vitamins. 8 desk-friendly workouts to combat sitting disease – Can’t seem to get away from your desk? Give these moves a try to take [...]

Should You Use Ice or Heat for Pain? (Infographic) – When I am injured I can never remember if I need ice or heat. This is a handy resource to reference when you need a reminder. What Meditation Isn’t – If you have any hesitations about trying meditation this post may help address any misconceptions [...]

Holistic Medicine

“Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person — body, mind, spirit, and emotions — in the quest for optimal health and wellness.” (Source) Holistic physicians may use all forms of healthcare including conventional medicine and alternative therapies. Holistic medicine can include the below as well as chiropractic care, homeopathy, naturopathy, aromatherapy, [...]

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