In a highly tech oriented society we have to be particularly aware of how these devices affect our posture. Tablets offer a high level of mobility however they can cause you to put your neck in awkward and uncomfortable positions especially with prolonged use. As indicated in the graphic below be sure to maintain good [...]
Neck Pain
In case you needed more reasons to try meditation check out these below. Read more about meditation: Complementary Therapy: Meditation Elements of Meditation Types of Meditation Mindfulness Meditation Meditation Health Benefits: What The Practice Does To Your Body Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community –
If you have never been to a studio or class it can be hard to know where to get started with yoga. Below is a list of yoga poses and descriptions that alleviate acute back pain. Click on the image to enlarge.
I have found that some days it is easy to get busy and forget to move away from (or even at) my desk. It seems like I can go hours with moving my mouse and clicking being my only movement! Long stretches of sitting can be harmful to our health and can make our bodies [...]
Chronic pain, both muscle and joint pain, affect a large portion of Americans. Texting in considered a significant contributor to neck pain which is also likely due to posture and poor ergonomics. Massage therapy and structural alignment can help ease pain and treat underlying postural and alignment issues that are causing the pain. Do you [...]